PDS PA First Meeting – Thursday, Sept 28 at 8:30 am

The PDS Parents Association (PA) is having its first meeting this Thursday, September 28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Gilkeson Center. All PDS parents are part of the PA and invited to attend meetings and get involved. The PA helps…

PDSPA Used Book Fair and Book Cafe

By Lisa Kaul, chair PDSPA Used Book Fair It’s that time of the year when you can de-clutter for a cause! Please consider donating books to the Annual PDSPA Used Book Sale. Proceeds are used, among other things, to help…

PDS PA meeting date change – Now on April 28 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The PDS Parents Association is trying a new day and time to provide more parents the opportunity to attend our meeting. The original meeting, scheduled on April 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., has been rescheduled to Friday, April…

Reminder: PDS PA Meeting this Thursday, March 16

All parents are invited to the PDS Parents Association meeting this Thursday, March 16, at 8:30am. We plan to discuss the Parent Talent Show, the Evening Garden Party and the Used Book Fair. Hope to see you there!…

PDS PA Awards Two Faculty Grants

The PDS Parents Association is pleased to announce two Faculty Grants in Honor of Josie Holford awards for the 2016-2017 school year. The first grant recipient is Lisa McVey. Her grant will be used toward the purchase of an 8′…

Two Faculty Grants Awarded

The PDS Parents Association coordinates several fundraisers during the year and receives money from each family at the beginning of the school year. Each and every parent is a member of the PDS Parents Association. Money that is raised by…

Call for Books – PDSPA Used Book Fair

Spring cleaning? Need to make more space? The PDSPA requests donations of books for its annual USED BOOK SALE in May. Monies raised at the Used Book Sale fund various PDSPA activities, including the PDSPA Faculty Grant in Honor of…

PA Awards Faculty Grant to the Campus Upcycling and Recycling Project

The PDSPA is happy to announce the award of the first Faculty Grant in Honor of Josie Holford.  The grant goes to Li Pipman Denault for her proposed Campus Upcycling and Recycling Project. Li’s innovative project will encourage students to…