Step 1: Inquire and discover more about PDS
Complete the online inquiry form found on our website. Schedule a visit or sign up for an admissions event.
Step 2: Complete application on the PDS website
Complete the online application to PDS at any time. There is a $75 application fee. If the fee presents a hardship for your family, please contact to request a waiver.
Step 3: Submit supporting materials
As part of the application process for new students, PDS will require academic records, transcripts, and recommendations from current teachers.
Step 4: Schedule a student visit at PDS
After the supporting materials for the application have been received, the director of admissions will be in contact with you to set up a time for your child to visit the school for a PDS experience.
Step 5: Admissions and enrollment decision made
The completed application goes to the admissions team for review and a decision for admissions is made. Students admitted will receive an electronic enrollment contract to be signed electronically by parents/guardians and submitted with a 15% non-refundable deposit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Admission Age for PreK and Kindergarten:
To be eligible for pre-kindergarten, children should be 3 years of age before September 1 of the school year for which they are applying. Kindergarten applicants should be 5 years of age before December 1 of the school year for which they are applying.
The New York State Department of Health requires children to be up to date with all required vaccinations prior to participation in school or extracurricular programs. Proof of up-to-date vaccinations must be submitted to the school. (
Additional Program Opportunities:
- Before school care
- After school care and enrichment programs
Summer Program
PDS offers a summer program every year. Further information on our programs and age-range offerings will be available in April. This is an excellent opportunity for newly enrolled students to become familiar with the school environment and meet other PDS students.