Twelve students in the upper level art history course “16th-18th Century Dutch and Flemish Art” are headed for the Netherlands this week to experience an itinerary tailored to their curriculum. Known for creating intellectual field trips to off the beaten…
By Julie O’Sullivan, HS Humanities and ESL
Japanese Club is a student-led club in its second year. Like many clubs in the high school, it emerged organically out of student interest. In this case, Kaser, then a sophomore, and myself…
By Julie O’Sullivan, HS Humanities and ESL
I recently attended a fascinating class at White Barn Farm Sheep and Wool in Gardner led by the talented fiber artist and Cormo sheep owner, Paula Kucera. Five of us learnt how to…
By Laura Hicks, high school theater arts
High school drama students are currently in rehearsal for The Green Bird, an adaptation by Hillary DePiano of an Italian Commedia dell’ Arte play originally by Carlo Gozzi. The play is a fairy…