PDS Blog

Lower School Assembly!

      During Lower School assembly on Friday grades PreK through 4 met together to generate ideas about community norms, which led to our discussion about rules and expectations. We specifically talked about lunchtimes, and Amanda read the story…

Grades 5-6: A Voyage to Senegal!

As part of our year-long focus on Africa, the 5-6 group is researching Senegal to prepare for a classroom visit by asylum seekers next week. They’re learning about languages, food, clothing, music, games, history, animals, and yet again food! On…

High school Creek Visit 1

“On Thursday September 21st, the high school class took a walk to a nearby creek. There were many different plants and wildlife. You could hear birds in the distance and insects buzzing around. Different types of trees stood many feet…

Exploring the curriculum with 3/4s

Greetings, parents! It was wonderful to see many of you at curriculum night. I truly enjoyed chatting about how the school year is going so far, and what our plans are for learning this year. If you weren’t able to…

Prek/K Week 2 Let’s talk about Bees please!

We had another busy fun filled week! Some highlights: learning all about bees! Our class took a special interest in bees so we decided to investigate further. This goes perfectly with our social studies/science curriculum about farms and our school…

Grade 1-2 First Week Recap!

Greetings, PDS Families! The 1-2 class had an exciting first week of school, and here are a few highlights we’d like to share with you. Like the start of any new school year, our room was filled with joy when…

5/6th grade Week 1 summary

The students in 5/6 have written the summary of their week below.  On Friday they had choice time with the 3/4th graders. They each taught their partner something they had learned. Then they figured out about palindromes. (nurses run, a…

Upper School Art History

Watching Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams in the James Earl Jones Theater. This documentary about the Chauvet Cave in Southern France, which contains some of the oldest human-painted images yet discovered—some of them were crafted around 32,000 years ago.…

5-6 Art

Drawing from the landscape. Incorporating observation and imagination.  …

(PreK/K) Happy First Days of School!

Learning new songs together, making playdough, mixing paint colors, exploring with math manipulatives, practicing name games and activities, starting writing workshop, learning the routines and how to  take care of our classroom materials, these are just some activities we have…