Walkway over the Hudson!

  This week we took a field trip to Walkway over the Hudson. We observed the river and it’s surroundings and hypothesized on what/who migrates. We decided that fish, like Sea Bass, and Blue Crabs definitely do! Among the birds…

PreK/K Apple Investigations, Wilklow Orchards Trip and More….

These past weeks we have been quite busy with science apple activities, class trips, math and letter/phonics activities. We have lots of photos from this past week. Enjoy!Science: We talked about what we know about apples, how they taste, what…

5/6 Week 4

ASA: In the all school assembly, we split up into two different groups and played games to learn about each other. One of the games was ‘this or that’. It is a game where you pick a side like vanilla…

Amanda’s 1-2 and Lara’s 3-4 Join Forces for Buddy Reading!

The 1-2 class LOVES when reading rolls around in our daily schedule! Not only do our readers love listening to read aloud stories, they also love having their own independent reading time, cozying up with lots of books in their…

Prek/K Class Trip with CIA!

  We had an amazing day this past Friday meeting up with the CIA students at the Home of FDR and harvesting vegetables together, coming back to CDS and cooking together! The students prepared several herbs to cook with, made…

Learning about ingenuity and inventiveness in the 3/4s!

This week in social studies the 3/4s we discussed the meaning of the words ingenuity and inventiveness as they relate to human evolution. We learned that chimpanzees, Neanderthals and homo sapiens all had/have this attribute in their use of tools. …

All about woolly bears in the 3rd/4th!

It has been a wonder-filled 3rd and 4th grade week. We have been collecting woolly bear caterpillars from the playground, and we will be keeping them as a class pet in the upcoming week. We built a stadium for them…

PreK/K Our Class Promise, Hopes for the Year, Signs of Fall and so much more!

This past week was chock full of of letter/phonics activities, learning about describing how objects and people can be different in math, exploring new materials during choice time, having lively discussions of signs of fall, signing and talking about our…

3rd/4th grades third week of school!

We had another great week together. We are starting to establish a wonderful classroom community, and your students are enthusiastic learners. During choice time this week, we observed experimentation with magnets. At recess, there was excitement over “blind man’s bluff”…