Help Alleviate Hunger in the Hudson Valley


Help Alleviate Hunger in the Hudson Valley
Visit the Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall (Center Court) on March 5-11 to see incredible structures created by teams of students from PDS and High Meadow made entirely out of non-perishable food. Bring donations of non-perishable food to vote for your favorite structure(s). Student teams are working hard to bring attention to the issue of local and global hunger AND work with the community to take action. All food donated will go to feed the hungry in our area.

Support the PDS Team!
The PDS Food Bowl team, a group of very creative 6th graders, has been hard at work designing and planning the build of their structure. Led by faculty member Shirley Rinaldi and with the enthusiastic involvement of all grade 6 teachers, the student team has taken a very active role in this project, including leadership in public relations, fundraising and educating others about world/local hunger. This was project-based learning at its best as creating the structure required an in-depth study of math, science, engineering, design, tinkering and the humanities.

The PDS team would like to thank Goya for once again donating non-perishable food for their structure.

Bring Canned Food to Help Select the People’s Choice Award
The entry receiving the largest number non-perishable food items donated by visitors to the Galleria March 5-11 will be declared the People’s Choice winner. All cans used in structures and donated through this event will go to the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley and area food pantries.

Poughkeepsie Day School would like to thank its partners in the community who are doing so much to help make Food Bowl™ Hudson Valley a success including the Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall, Arnoff Moving and Storage and Radio Woodstock WDST 100.1.

About Food Bowl™ Hudson Valley
Food Bowl™ Hudson Valley is a Poughkeepsie Day School community project where kids create public art out of non-perishable food items to feed the hungry and bring attention to the critical issue of hunger in the Valley. All food collected goes to regional food pantries and The Food Bank of the Hudson Valley.