Pre-K/K Plants Peas!

By Judy Purcell, Pre-K/K teacher

Pre-K/K students prepare the garden bed.

Pre-K/K students prepare the garden bed.

The children in the pre-k/k don’t mind getting a little dirty! In the beginning of April, the class weeded and prepared the soil in a garden bed in the courtyard in order to plant pea seeds.

A fertile soil bed ready for peas!

A fertile soil bed ready for peas!

A few days after planting them, it snowed!

The snow-covered garden bed.

The snow-covered garden bed.

They have been caring for the plants by weeding out unwanted plants and have been carefully observing their growth. The entire process, along with our ongoing visits to Sprout Creek Farm, has led to many interesting conversations about where our food comes from. The students have been counting the days until they can be harvested and we are hopeful that we will be able to taste some peas before the end of school!

Pea plants begin to emerge.

Pea plants begin to emerge.