Kindergarteners Form Stories and Bridges

By Joanna Shaw, kindergarten teacher

“The Dog and The Bot”, a story by Louise

Kindergartners are natural storytellers. Each day our classroom is filled with tales of fantastical fairy encounters and weekend long trips around the world. In their journeys to becoming amazing writers, their storytelling skills must first be supported by carefully listening as the children dictate their ideas. After reviewing the ideas of character, setting, problems and solutions, the students are well on their way to a fully formed story. Their final products are worth a read and include volcano drilling robots and encounters with unicorns.
The bridge challenge

The bridge challenge

For their Robot Adventure stories each child became not only an author, but a problem solver –  a skill that helps in writing and in daily encounters through out each school day. Recently, after reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff, by Jørgen Moe and Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, the children were asked to each build a bridge that could support the weight of one of our toy goats. It was an enormous challenge and the students worked harder then ever before, perfecting their designs. With just over an hour to work and limited supplies, all kindergartners were able to successfully complete this challenge.