Grade 1-2 First Week Recap!

Greetings, PDS Families! The 1-2 class had an exciting first week of school, and here are a few highlights we’d like to share with you.

Like the start of any new school year, our room was filled with joy when learning about our fellow classmates. We played games, shared stories and fun facts about ourselves to feel more connected with each other. We’re finding many commonalities, as well as differences, and celebrating how unique and wonderful we each are.

During social studies, we reflected on the questions: “Why do we come to school?” and “What do you think our school work will be this year?” In thinking about these questions, it led us to our hopes and dreams we have for the school year. Our learners have hopes of being a play, learning new Spanish vocabulary, playing lots of movement games, reading fun book series like Mercy Watson, and even connecting with new friends! Our hopes and dreams will help guide us in thinking about what rules/expectations we need in order for everyone to feel safe and supported when working towards their goals this year. Stay tuned for our Class Promise written by our students!

We’ve cozied up with many fun and thought-provoking books, and are always asking to listen to more stories together. Read alouds have been a class favorite, and we look forward to more quality reading time together!

As a way to keep our bodies moving and our minds calm, we’ve introduced Yoga into our daily schedule. We’ve had the pleasure of welcoming a friendly Salamander into our classroom to guide us through a 5 minute session to help stimulate our senses and keep us grounded as we progress through our school day. Here’s a link if you’d like to check it out at home, too!

In addition to our time in the classroom, our 1-2 students loved going to specials! They joined Michelle for Art, Ken for Music, Stephen for Drama, Christian for Spanish, and Lisa for both P.E. and Library. Here are highlights from Art and Spanish during our first week of school.

In Art, the 1-2 partook in Experiencing Blue with different mediums and different papers. This was a beautiful way for our artists to see how each respond to each other. The four different types of paper were newsprint, diffusing, drawing, and water color. Students experimented on the different papers with watercolor, wax crayon, oil pastel, chalk pastel, permanent marker, water soluble markers, tempera paint, color pencil and even finger paint!

“Hola! Hola! ¿Cómo Te Llamas?” A new Spanish song we’ve learned is now on repeat in our minds as we started Spanish class with Christian. It has been a blast learning new words and phrases in Spanish to say hello, ask/tell someone’s name, and ask/tell how someone is feeling. We’re excited to learn more ways to communicate with each other in Spanish.

Stay tuned for more marvelous adventures during our second week of school!