Making Music Matters

“The power of music and the plasticity of the brain go together quite strikingly,
especially in young people” Dr. Oliver Sacks

Each morning, the Middle School Learning Commons and courtyard are alive with the sound of music. The deep reverberations of the cellos mix with the metallic strum of the guitars alongside the light, airy tones of the flutes.

It is a perfect way for our students to start the day, in fact by playing an instrument in the morning they are actually better preparing their brains for the challenges ahead. Recent research has shown that when musicians play an instrument, nearly every area of their brain engages in the process.

With disciplined, structured practice students are able to strengthen this engagement, improving performance in other activities as well. Our Morning Music program not only benefits a students ability to play and understand music, but also benefits their ability to tackle complex math problems, persevere through a difficult science lab, and create interdisciplinary connections in Humanities class. It’s quite remarkable!

“In the Middle School, making music matter is a key component of our whole-child approach. I am proud to be at a school that understands this, and celebrates the important role that music plays in the development of the adolescent brain. ” JJ Morrissey, Head of Middle School